Build A Box

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  • Cleats

    Whether you're playing recreationally or at a tournament, cleats keep you agile, allow you to change directions more quickly, and honestly, are just more comfortable than playing barefoot. Stop slipping.

    Purchase Here 
  • Tripod ($)

    Here's a cheap tripod. It'll last you at least one tournament or pickup.

    Purchase Here 
  • Tripod ($$$)

    If you're not recording yourself playing you're missing out on highlights, lowlights, and the ability to reflect on your form and strategy.

    Purchase Here 
  • Under-The-Net Mic ($)

    Is a mic under the net necessary? Maybe. Does the sound of a serve hitting the net sound 10x more satisfying with this? Absolutely.

    Purchase Here 
  • Under-the-Net Mic ($$$)

    This mic has a wireless receiver so you don't have to sync up the audio in a video editor.

    Purchase Here 
  • Portable Charger

    Not a chance you're filming an entire tournament's worth of footage without an external battery. Absolutely necessary.

    Purchase Here 
  • Phone Cooler

    You don't know pain until you've played an entire quarter-finals series but missed the footage because your phone was overheated. That'll never happen again.

    Purchase Here 
  • Extra Video Storage

    Is your computer filled with roundnet footage that needs to be edited? Put it all on here and stop using YouTube as free cloud storage.

    Purchase Here 
  • Serving Net

    Shagging balls during serving practice is overrated. Get more reps, save more time, stop hitting balls into your dad's car in the garage.

    Purchase Here 
  • Ball Cart

    Pretty self explanatory if you ask me.

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  • Training Cones

    Set up drills with friends or by yourself if you don't have any of those.

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  • Practice Bag

    Stor your cleats, knee pads, tripod, revised serving lines, you know ...

    All the roundnet stuff goes in here.

    Purchase Here 
  • Kneepads

    If you want style points and indestructable knees, these are an absolute must.

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  • Cooler

    For those scorching hot days where roundnet is priority #1 and staying hydrated is priority #2.

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  • Water Bottle

    Gotta stay hydrated. Period.

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  • Carbo Gain

    Complex carbohydrate powder that slowly releases energy over the course of a tournament.

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  • Gatorade

    Because water is good for you but sometimes you just have an unqwenchable thirst for the Ade.

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  • Agility Ladder

    Pick up your footwork game and make serve receive, hitting, and defense so much easier.

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  • Reserved Plaque

    Tired of having your favorite net taken at tournaments? Slap one of these bad boys on there and its yours to keep.

    Purchase Here 
  • Ball Straw

    We all know that traditional pumps hardly work on Spikeballs. Stick it in, blow it up, and let it ride.

    Purchase Here 
  • The Inner Game of (Roundnet)

    It might not be a roundnet book but it has a lot of translateable ideas that help players mentally. Plus, you could read more don't you think so?

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